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How to keep your body healthy and Live long, Anti aging

 How to keep your body healthy and Live long, Anti-aging

As we all know that our human body is made up of cells and its necessary to keep our cells active and healthy. Every cells has its own function depends upon the organs and only the blood cells connecting all the organs of our body. Therefore, keeps our blood healthy can keeps our body healthy.

Blood cells are essentially carrying oxygen, nutrients and waster materials in our body. As a result of biological process, every cells in organs produce toxic materials and they are getting mixed up in our blood. Therefore, keeping our blood healthy keeps our body healthy.

In this post, I would like to provide some interesting tips and home remedies which would be really going to work out and will definitely keep you live long. 

In our body, kidney, lungs and liver plays a significant role in cleaning up our blood. By naturally these organs are helps in detoxifying our body by removing toxic and chemical substances from the body.

Here are the tips keep your body healthy and clean

Drink more water as it does a crucial role in eliminating waste from the body especially from lungs, liver and kidney.

Water helps in keeps our blood vessel open so that the blood can move freely.  Lesser water level or dehydration can cause increase in  pressure of blood flow. Frequent dehydration can leads to kidney failure.

Cells in our body utilizes oxygen and as a results it form free-radicle ions which is very unstable causes cell and organ damages especially the liver and its severity causes cancer.  The majority of chemicals, toxic substances, alcohol, medications and food substances in our blood is metabolized by liver. 

Blueberry is the queen of antioxidant which ultimately keeps our liver healthy.  

Fruits like pears, guava and, plums have enormous pectin fibers that helps in cleaning our blood.  These pectin fibers binds with excess fats, chemicals and heavy metals and efficiently remove them from our body. 

Eating fresh tomato during morning time eliminates the chemical from our body since it has natural antioxidant such as lycopene glutathione.

Increasing the level of sugar in our blood can damage kidney and other organs. Apple contains high amount of soluble pectin fiber which regulates the level of sugar in the blood. So, consume enormous amount of Apple.

Green leafy vegetables and legumes such as green pea, asparagus, broccoli, and lettuce helps in maintaining the enzymatic level of Liver and thereby keeps liver healthy and promotes blood and body detoxification.

Consuming turmeric with milk everyday in the morning can really act as a wonderful anti-inflammatory and thereby healing our body problems including certain types of cancers. Turmeric really helps in generating red blood cells and the compound curcumin present in turmeric has a significant healing and anticancer properties. 

Drinking lemon with warm water everyday bring lots of changes and improvements in body health.  It reduces fats and essentially reduces excess body weight. Lemon with warm water also detoxify chemical from the blood. 

Anti-Aging tips - Stay healthy and live long

As you all know that people who lives in Hunza valley located at Baltistan are the longest living community in the world and their average life span is 100 to 120 years.

The disease cases including cancer is very very less among their community.  The reason behind their long and healthy life with anti-aging is their food habit and life style. 

Here is the secret of their long and healthy life

Everyday they consumes apricot fruit, walnut seed, cook with apricot oil and eat almond. They eat fresh yak meat, yak milk and cheese. They prepare meat with ginger and garlic paste. Particularly they walk for 6 miles for every day.

Few other Anti-aging tips - Home remedies 

Consuming pure red-wine as it has enormous amount of  Resveratrol, an anti-aging compound form during fermentation of grape by converting tannin and it gets convert into resveratrol.

Also, Amla fruit, papaya, yogurt, dark chocolate,  fig, lemon and avacado fruits act as a best anti-aging food.

Grind grape seed, walnut and apricot on face and massage it for two months. It will change your skin color into brightness and you will get shiny skins without any wrinkles.  Believe me, it works !!!







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