Causes of Hair loss and how to control it
There are several reasons for hair loss such as genetic reason, hereditary changes, vitamin deficiency, food habit changes, dandruff, lice or stress. Some of them getting hair loss due to diseases, weak immune or hair dying or hair coloring. Hair loss mostly related to aging process and loss of hair sometime leads to bald head in both male and female. Technically, we are calling hair loss as Alopecia.
However, it is possible to completely recover from hair loss and sometime regenerating new hairs from the scalp.
Follow any of two procedures twice in a week.
Apply onion juice
Onion especially the small onion contains enormous amount of sulfur or Sulphur which actually helps in utilization of proper keratin protein in our body. So, apply raw onion juice on your sculp twice in a week will help improving hair growth and prevent hair loss.
Mixture of coconut and olive oil
Apply mixture of coconut and olive oil with equal proportion. Before applying, gently slight heat it to make it bearable warm. Don't heat too much. These oils helps in reducing the production of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone causes hair loss in our body.
Yogurt, Aloe Vera and Fenugreek paste
Yogurt contains vitamins and Fenugreek support hair growth hormone which is the best combination for the hair growth. Grind the fenugreek and mix it with yogurt and apply. You will get a best results.
Apply castor oil
Castor oil is one of the best remedies for the hair growth and it also helps in forming new hairs or hair regeneration or rejuvenation. Heat is slightly and apply minimal amount in scalp during day time. It also helps in improving the eye brow.
Apply Vitamin E oil and protein rich food
Protein especially the keratin is essential for hair growth. Eat almond, nuts, berries, carrot, egg, papaya, broccoli, milk and fish regularly. For getting best results, apply Vitamin E oil which is commonly available in medical shops and market.
Lastly, please have regular sleep and don't allow your body to get heat which is the main reason for hair loss. Consume tender coconut and plenty of water.
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